Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Must Work it Out in the Kitchen Too!

As I continue my quest toward that Bikini Body, I know I have been slacking in one area--cooking!  My schedule has been really tight with all the work travel.  So, MAKING (not finding) time to cook has been a challenge for me.  I admit that there is time. I just have not taken it.  The fresh produce was bought, but I just wasn't cooking it!

Cooking my own food is essential to getting the physique I want.  Travel requires eating out quite a bit, but I know I need to eat as much of my own food as I can to achieve the results I want.

So I finally got in the kitchen and cooked up a few things.

Here are my first try at roasted brussel sprouts--they are quite yummy! Who knew?!

And my Thai Basil Tofu with mushrooms, tomatoes, and okra--hmmm, mmm.

These dishes took little time to prepare--a requirement for Shay Shay.  I just need to MAKE THE TIME.  My Insanity/gym workout is only 20% of my success. My kitchen workout is a significant part of the 80% diet success--too important to slack!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Thank You Robert Kennedy (1938-2012). Gone, but I'll Never Forget

Today, I got the sad news of the passing of Robert Kennedy, health and fitness guru and publisher of Oxygen Magazine and The Eat-Clean Diet series. My heart goes out to the Kennedy and Reno family.

I never met "Tough Love" Bob, but his work and that of his wife Tosca Reno will forever have a last and positive impression on my life. I regret that I did not take advantage of chances to perhaps meet him at The Arnold, but I will never forget what I have learned from his body of work.

The Eat-Clean Diet series and Oxygen gave me the tools I needed on this journey to Lose Fat and Win! For this, I am grateful.

Thank You Tough Love Bob. May you rest in peace.

Friday, April 6, 2012

It IS a Great Friday

Today truly is Good Friday, a Great, hmm, AWESOME Friday indeed. While I reflect on the reason this weekend is special for me and my life, I want to say that I am thankful for all the many blessings that have been bestowed upon me.

Among the countless blessings, having good health and fitness is definitely on the list. I have been on this journey for quite some time. At times it can be frustrating, but it is truly rewarding. I have met and made connections with so many because of this journey. I have learned so much. I am in better shape than I was as a teen. I have accomplished so much in the gym, on the road, and on the courts because of this journey. For this I am thankful.

Have a wonderful Easter weekend.

Let me share what I have going on these days. It's been a few weeks (again) since I have posted:

I have a beach trip planned in about 10 weeks. I have swimsuits to wear. BUT, this time I will be wearing a bikini! I've been TALKING about FINALLY getting into a bikini for WAY TO LONG! Come on Shay Shay--JUST DO IT (ALREADY!).

I have been using this time of fasting to also plan how I'm going to tweak my diet and work out routine after Easter. I'm pretty excited about what I have developed. It is actually quite complex. Too much to really explain here, but in short I'm combining the following:

  • Clean eating--the plan that got me started on this journey (see http://www.eatcleandiet.com/)

  • Renegade Diet--this is truly Renegade. I've already seen results of incorporating these principles) (see http://jasonferruggia.com/ )

  • Carb cycling--low, moderate, and high carb days

  • Semi-vegetarian principles--primarily plant-based diet, with flexibility to incorporate fish and lean animal protein no more than a few days a week.

This is Shay Shay's Healthy Eating/Healthy Living plan. It will take lots of organization and planning and SUPER commitment/discipline. While my upcoming trip is part of my motivation, my real motivation is a LONG LIFE of HEALTHY LIVING!

I will also continue Insanity, but make sure I get in additional cardio and super important--consistent strength training!

I want to move from this blog one day and start a new site around the concept of Lost the Fat, now Really LIVING!

Anyhoo, in about 8 weeks I WILL BE SHOPPING for that bikini. Who knows, I may even do a pictorial of the quest.

Stay tuned, but I will be back in the interim. I really don't like when I'm away from this blog too long. Accountability is truly key!