Saturday, May 19, 2012

Renewed Focus

It is mid-May and the consistent days of warmer weather are here!

For Shay Shay warmer weather has all sorts of implications:

  • Clothes revealing shoulders, arms, and legs--oh my! 
  • Vacations to include bathing suits (still going for that bikini!)
  • More tennis with the extra opponent on the court--the HEAT
This is also just a busy time for me at work and personally.  With summer clothes, bathing suits, and super hot tennis, I have to be even more focused! 

The Insanity program was great, and I saw good results in the shape of my body. Yet, I still was not the exercising the discipline I should have with my eating.

Last week, I decided to really take action. I am working with a new trainer--Ms. L--and she gave me a total package plan to include training with her, cardio on my own, and meal plan. I am really glad for the cardio plan because I am learning that cardio is not my favorite thing to do, so I need help with being more strategic.  The meal plan is the most significant part of the plan.  Without changes in eating habits, Shay Shay can't achieve the desired results.

I'm in the first week of the program, and I am feeling good. I am not finding it that difficult to follow the meal plan right now because my work travel was postponed.  The biggest challenge is grocery shopping and cooking.  These are challenges not because the acts themselves are difficult for me. I enjoy going to the Farmer's Market, and I like preparing the healthy meals.  It is the MAKING TIME to shop and cook that is the challenge.  

When I am done with work for the day, I would much rather go straight to the tennis courts and stay until late in the evening.  If I am going to be successful on this new plan, I have to be more disciplined with my time.

So, I have decided that Tuesdays after training are for grocery shopping at the Farmer's Market.  Thursday will be dedicated to cooking.  I will also get in some cooking Saturday mornings too if necessary.

This cannot be a short term project for me.  I must truly make this a part of my lifestyle and stick with it for life! 

I am getting close to 5 years since I was introduced to the eat-clean lifestyle. It is far time for me to achieve my ultimate goals:  look fabulous in a bikini and 18-21% body fat! 

Let's Go Shay Shay, Let's Go! 

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