Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Remember that Slow and Steady Speech . . .

We all know the speech:  Tortoise and the Hare; Slow and Steady Wins the Race. I know. I KNOW!

I have been training for almost a month now.  I am seeing the fruits of my labor.  L says I am ahead of my goal, but yet I still yearn for faster results!  This is not a healthy attitude, but I know from where it stems.

I have been on this journey for almost 5 years now (next week).  While I have achieved more than I initially set out to do, I know I can achieve MORE!

This desire to achieve more is what drives me.  Yet, there are periods of time when I have detoured, and thus, still pushing toward the mark.  Once I get back on track, I can't help but think--had I not detoured, could I be where I want to be with my physique?  FRUSTRATING, YES, but MY OWN DOING!

So now, I am determined to stay on track. No detours Shay Shay! I CAN, I WILL, I MUST DO THIS FOR ME!

Oh yeah, and BE PATIENT Shay Shay!

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