Sunday, September 5, 2010

Chip Shot, Topsin, Serve Down T, Oh My!

I know it's US Open time, and the pros are doing their thing, but this blog is about me. So, I'm obligated to talk about me and my own tennis game!

This season my coach and team have committed to step it up big time! We're playing at a higher level, so our game must be at a higher level. We have to work harder and play smarter. As my coach says, "it's a new day!"

While I have done pretty well and have advanced nicely in a short time (City and State Championships at USTA 3.0; City Finalist-7.0 Mixed), I know that the game I have played in the past (less thinking and more hustling) will not get it done as I move up levels. I need more variety in my game--more weapons.

I am committed to working with my coach and team and building my arsenal. The last couple weeks I have been working on my chip shot, forehand topspin (a real challenge because I'm known for my backhand--NOT my forehand), and serving down the T.

I must admit that I was not all that receptive to the chip shot. I didn't think it was something I could really do. But, I'm working on it AND getting it (well, it's not super consistent yet, but I'm getting it more often than not now)! I'm loving topspin; it's helping me get over my forehand slump and mental block (I played a whole State tournament going AROUND my forehand--thank goodness it worked and opponents didn't really figure it out). And serving down the T--when I get it-it's sweet!

I haven't had an opportunity to test these skills in actual matches yet--just practice matches. But great practice makes great play. I'm committed to practicing. I'm committed to becoming great (well at least as great as an obsessed recreational player can be. LOL!).

I'm also committed to continuing to Lose Fat! A few of my teammates and I ran the hills before practice. Initially, this exercise was to prepare for the State and Sectional Championships, but I am going to continue to run the hills. Every match is important, and I can't get to City, State, Sectionals--and one day Nationals--if I don't prepare for the regular season!

I am Shay Shay! I am Committed to Preparing to Win!


Unknown said...

That's why you are already a winner! So, proud of you. Oh, and coach changed my serve - *insert shaking head here* - it's nasty! Hope I can use it soon!

Winks & Smiles,

Shay Shay said...

I hope you can too, Wifey! Looking forward to seeing it!