Wednesday, December 1, 2010

This Weather Will NOT Get Me Down!

While Thanksgiving in Virginia displayed beautiful, sunny, and not too chilly weather (I could go to the track without bundling up!), I came back to HOTLANTA and found dark, chilly/cold, and wet! This could be enough to get me down and off plan. Who wants to wake up and work out in this weather when your bed is so warm and cozy?

But, I'm on a mission! I can't afford to let the winter weather blues get to me! Hibernation is NOT an option! I started 2010 20 lbs heavier because I let the 2009 winter weather and holiday eating take over me. NOT THIS YEAR!

So, while I may not WANT to get out of my warm, soft t-shirt sheet covered bed, I MUST! Thank goodness for old school Tae Bo tapes. At least I don't have to leave the house every morning! Hmmm, I need to upgrade to DVDs and get a little more variety.

I will have to get out some mornings because I need strength training in my world. I'll just have to suck it up and remember the rewards! I have too many cute dresses I just got from Rose Couture NOT to get my full fitness on!

Let's Go Shay Shay!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Cute dresses are excellent motivation!

Winks & Smiles,