Thursday, June 30, 2011

Oh, It Felt So Good; so Keep the Momentum Going!

With all my traveling and rain on days when I'm not, I had not been on the court in about a month! To say that I missed it is definitely an understatement. I didn't realize how much until last night's practice.

I dashed off the plane; picked up a salad with grilled chicken at Cafe del Sol, picked up my car, and headed to McGhee!

Reesey Cup met me there. After my salad, we ran some laps around the courts, did some jumping jackes, high knees and then got started with our serves. As I ran around the court, I kept thinking "Wow, it feels so awesome to be outside and NOT in a conference room or on a plane!" I ran around the court with a runner's pace and with such ease. I literally felt lighter!

Perhaps it is because I AM lighter!

Not only are the pounds coming off--almost 60 lbs lost now since 2007, but I am really leaning out. I can see the muscles building. I have hit 50 lbs before, but almost 60-WOW!

I explained to my trainer G this morning that this has been the point in my journey where I start to get too comfortable. I lose focus and sight of my true fitness goals. Then BAM, I'm trying to back peddle and lose the 10-15 lbs I've gained so that I can peddle forward to my true goal AGAIN!

As hard as my workout was today (3 hours on the courts-WHEW!), I declared that I am breaking the cycle! No more of the back peddling!

I am really going to Keep the Momentum Going! I have a new mindset this time. I am much more strategic about my eating and my workouts.

There is room for improvement--ALWAYS ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT. I WILL keep pressing toward the mark.

I WILL get in that bikini one day and soon! I WILL get to 18-20% body fat.

With the holiday coming up, I needed this little personal pep rally!

I am Shay Shay, and I am going to Keep the Momentum Going!

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