Sunday, November 14, 2010

A Good Thought: The Holidays Don't Have to be Either/Or

A week from today I will celebrate my birthday--34 years old and in the best shape of my life! My birthday weekend pretty much signals the start of the holiday season for me. With birthday celebrating, Thanksgiving less than a week away, and then Christmas gatherings soon after, the holidays can be (and have been) quite a challenge for me. Last holiday season I gained WAY too much weight. I vowed to fight back soon after. On January 6, 2010 I started training with Anna Mae and lost 20+ pounds by the following April.

This holiday season I am determined NOT to let the holiday eating and laziness get the best of me. I also will not totally deprive myself because that will lead to some type of food overload at some point.

Thankfully, I am not alone in this fitness journey. I am so glad that I subscribe to all sorts of resources that provide me with health and fitness tips and sanity checks. I just received this one from Tom Venuto who distributes the Burn the Fat Newsletter and Blog. He made the challenge of the holidays so simple: it doesn't have to be either deprive myself OR get in better shape. Mr. Venuto says I can do both. I have already said that I plan to lose 10 pounds by Christmas. I believe this is still possible. But, I would like to take it another step and challenge myself to be in better shape after the holidays than I am now. I know what to do; I just need to DO IT!

Here's the link to Mr. Venuto posting about the holidays:

The challenge starts NOW!

I am Shay Shay. I will be Fit for the Holidays and Fitter afterwards!

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