Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Detoxing and Surprise Training

Today, I started my post-holiday detox. I had to modify it slightly so that I can have energy to get in a good workout (what's the point of detoxing but losing ground fitness wise--plus I've missed my regular workouts!).

I am so glad that I incorporated some whey protein prior to going to the gym because G--my trainer--was there! I was so excited to see G. I miss G! I have been on hiatus with the holidays and while I do my budget for 2012.

He gave me a great workout to do. Boy did my body feel it! I can't wait to get back to my regular sessions with him!

I just had some kale chips, and I am feeling good.

I'll be more prepared for day 2 of the detox tomorrow. Modification is a good thing!

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