Monday, December 29, 2008

Re-evaluating and Re-energized for '09

I had a wonderful Christmas in Virginia with my family. There were lots of homemade breads around, and everyone who knows me, knows I LOVE bread--especially grandma's biscuits and zucchini bread and mom's sweet potato biscuits and now her homemade rolls! Thank goodness I don't indulge in such pleasures on regular basis (and I could if I had no discipline) because I would be right back to my extra-large self.

I am now back in Atlanta, and I am actually glad to be getting back to my normal, healthy lifestyle. I have my eyes on the prize for '09! With just a few days to the start of the New Year, I thought it was time to re-evaluate my routine. If I'm going to get the results I want, I have to kick it up a notch. So here goes:

1. Training: I am going to mix up my training with kettlebells (a great way to strength train; you have to check this out!), running (I start half marathon training Jan. 5th), tennis (I just love this game!) and cycling (my trusty favorite and another great way to combine resistance and cardio).

2. Cooking: I have to get back to cooking on a regular basis and trying new clean eating recipes. I can't get in a food rut and cooking is the sure fire way for me to know I am getting the fuel I need to perform. I am also going to pay better attention to portion sizes.

3. Supplements: I have tried some things, and now I am cutting out and modifying. I am sticking with flaxseed and bee pollen. But, I am going to switch from whey protein to hemp protein (it's way cleaner than whey). I'm also going to cut out the vitamin store fat burners I have been trying for the last couple months and stick with Clean, Fat Burning Superfoods!

4. Sleep: I will definitely get back to getting my consistent 7-8 hours in. I saw my best results when I did. That means no late nights on the Internet!

There you have it. Shay Shay is re-energized and ready to take on the world! 2009 will be an awesome year! I look forward to sharing it with you!

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