Sunday, March 28, 2010

Kicking it Up a Notch!

With less than 4 weeks left in the Fitter and Finer Challenge and warm weather and swimsuit season right behind, it's time for Shay Shay to KICK IT UP A NOTCH!

Progress has been okay since Stopping the Insanity (~17 lbs since 1/5/2010). My Challenge Progress is not too shabby, but still slightly behind my pace (~12 lbs since 1/19/2010). I have to focus a little bit more with my clean eating and REALLY get my cardio and strength training on!

I know I can and WILL reach my goal this year.

P.S. I won my first match at the B1 level. I am going to build on this and work hard to get more and more competitive at this more advanced level.

I am Shay Shay Fit!

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